Photo Detail


Plane type: unknown
Airport: Kosrae (KSA/PTSA)
Airline: Not specified
Registration: Unknown
Author: Pavel M.
Date taken: 01/2009
Number of ratings: 0×
Number of views: 2552×

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toraidhe - unsigned guest (...167.66...)
2010-11-09 11:01

PetrM> coneshelly su tam vsade, nie?

PetrM - unsigned guest (...179.215...)
2010-05-14 11:27

Jakub: a jak by se tam ti hadi dostali?? :)))) V Pacifiku krom PNG, NZ, N. Kal., Fidzi a Salomounovych ostrovu, coz je nejblize pevniny neni nic, co by Vas mohlo zabit nebo otravit na pevnine (jo na Palau vlastne doplavou krokodyli, ale to je vyjimka). V oceanu to je jina kava, ale i ti zraloci jsou celkem pratelsti :))))

PetrM - unsigned guest (...179.215...)
2010-05-14 11:24

no jeeeee. Dnes mam diky singapurcum, ktere mas vyfocene, vzpominkovy den na mesic v Mikronesii! Diiiiky!!! Jdu si prohlizet fotky ;))) pristi rok se chystam na mesic do Polynesie na Tongu a opet Samou, tam se asi prestehuju :)))

Yirina - unsigned guest (...49.8...)
2009-04-08 21:11

Lita tam Continental Mirconesia Boeingem 737-800 trikrat tydne...

toraidhe - unsigned guest (...195.185...)
2009-04-08 16:02

zrejme Continental Micronesia...

ko - unsigned guest (...207.241...)
2009-04-08 14:41

co tam lítá za aerolinku? s jakym letadlem?

Jakub - unsigned guest (...216.189...)
2009-04-08 14:31

Alebo skor bazina plna hadov ...brrr

Dan - unsigned guest (...195.169...)
2009-04-08 12:43

Krasna kulisa letiste :-) doufam ze z druhe strany je nejaka pekna plaz...

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