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  • Petr Štefl
  • 2017-09-02
  • A Fairchild 24 - UC 61K Argus III s/n 1120 s/n USAF 44-83159 with the Ranger L-440 engine took off for its first flight on Sep 29th, 1944 at the Fairchild property az Hagerstown. Serverd with RAF 351 MU as KK502 at the Älgerian Hussein Dey airport till 1946. Later years saw it as civil airplane in Algeria and Morocco. Moved from Morocco to Germany in 1980, renovations started in 1982. Now in the Classic Trainers collection at Hanger 3 at Plzeň Líně, expected to fly after further renovations. One of only four still existing RAF aircraft of this type. Looking forward to see her flying again - Fairchilds used to fly in Czechoslovakia since 1946!
  • 925×

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