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Author: Metaxa
Date taken: 05/2008
Number of ratings: 1×
Number of views: 3019×

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haha - unsigned guest
2008-07-08 09:26

to Doncarlos:
no tak kdyz je to fungl novy ero tak hned nesmi vjet do travy no ne?

haha - unsigned guest
2008-06-30 22:08

to Doncarlos:
asi kvuli toho ze ..................MMMMM................

Magnum - unsigned guest
2008-06-04 15:20

Tak ta je parádní:)

donCarlos - unsigned guest
2008-06-03 23:37

Trochu rejpavá, ale na co je v Ostravě follow me? Tam by se snad nedokázal ztratit ani slepej...

Kuba - unsigned guest
2008-06-03 20:14

Teda, clovek by ani nerekl, jak je takovy prcek velky :-D (tim prckem myslim toho Airbusa :-D )

AdaAirlines - unsigned guest
2008-06-03 16:31

Zdravim Ostravu. Vcera v noci pro me prijeli taky s 3T1 5735:) A jsou tam vsichni strasne moc prijemni! ... Zase se zastavim :) AdaAirlines ;)

MarwiN4 - unsigned guest
2008-06-03 15:38

nádherná fotka krásneho lietadla. super

Vladimír - unsigned guest
2008-06-03 15:27

Až se pán koukne do zrcátka, nebude se stačit divit. :-)

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